Advancing the foundational study of physical,technological, natural and abstract systemsthrough the paradigm of computation

Games and Puzzles as Multicomputational Systems

Stephen Wolfram

Games and Puzzles as Multicomputational Systems

Humanizing Multicomputational Processes

Multicomputation is one of the core ideas of the Wolfram Physics Project—and in particular is at the heart of our emerging understanding of quantum mechanics. But how can one get an intuition for what is initially the rather abstract idea of multicomputation? A good approach, I believe, is to see it in action in familiar systems and situations. And I explore here what seems like a particularly good example: games and puzzles.

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Multicomputational Irreducibility

James Boyd (Wolfram Institute)

Multicomputational Irreducibility

Multicomputation is the cornerstone of much of the basic science that my teammates and I are doing with Stephen Wolfram. We see an opportunity to metamodel many areas of applied science using the multicomputational paradigm. In fact, the range of opportunities that we envisage is so wide that we are launching the Wolfram Institute in order to expand the effort beyond Wolfram Research. It’s a momentous period. But because multicomputation is still new, I feel a responsibility to help communicate in greater detail the aspects of multicomputation that I personally find to be compelling. And I have great reference material for doing so, because introducing a new paradigm of science is precisely what Stephen began to do in the 1980s with the computational paradigm. And I still refer to those works from the 1980s today because they cover then-novel concepts that have come to serve as guiding principles for the work that we do now. And a key concept, which distinguishes those papers from other theoretical literature on the study of computability, is that of computational irreducibility. So, now that we are developing a new paradigm that builds upon the one that Stephen pioneered decades ago, it seems appropriate to consider irreducibility in the multicomputational context. Continue reading

Twenty Years Later: The Surprising Greater Implications of A New Kind of Science

Stephen Wolfram

Twenty Years Later: The Surprising Greater Implications of A New Kind of Science

From the Foundations Laid by A New Kind of Science

When A New Kind of Science was published twenty years ago I thought what it had to say was important. But what’s become increasingly clear—particularly in the last few years—is that it’s actually even much more important than I ever imagined. My original goal in A New Kind of Science was to take a step beyond the mathematical paradigm that had defined the state of the art in science for three centuries—and to introduce a new paradigm based on computation and on the exploration of the computational universe of possible programs. And already in A New Kind of Science one can see that there’s immense richness to what can be done with this new paradigm.

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On the Concept of Motion

Stephen Wolfram

How Is It That Things Can Move?

It seems like the kind of question that might have been hotly debated by ancient philosophers, but would have been settled long ago: how is it that things can move? And indeed with the view of physical space that’s been almost universally adopted for the past two thousand years it’s basically a non-question. As crystallized by the likes of Euclid it’s been assumed that space is ultimately just a kind of “geometrical background” into which any physical thing can be put—and then moved around.

But in our Physics Project we’ve developed a fundamentally different view of space—in which space is not just a background, but has its own elaborate composition and structure. And in fact, we posit that space is in a sense everything that exists, and that all “things” are ultimately just features of the structure of space. We imagine that at the lowest level, space consists of large numbers of abstract “atoms of space” connected in a hypergraph that’s continually getting updated according to definite rules and that’s a huge version of something like this:


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The Physicalization of Metamathematics and Its Implications for the Foundations of Mathematics

Stephen Wolfram

Mathematics and Physics Have the Same Foundations

One of the many surprising (and to me, unexpected) implications of our Physics Project is its suggestion of a very deep correspondence between the foundations of physics and mathematics. We might have imagined that physics would have certain laws, and mathematics would have certain theories, and that while they might be historically related, there wouldn’t be any fundamental formal correspondence between them.

But what our Physics Project suggests is that underneath everything we physically experience there is a single very general abstract structure—that we call the ruliad—and that our physical laws arise in an inexorable way from the particular samples we take of this structure. We can think of the ruliad as the entangled limit of all possible computations—or in effect a representation of all possible formal processes. And this then leads us to the idea that perhaps the ruliad might underlie not only physics but also mathematics—and that everything in mathematics, like everything in physics, might just be the result of sampling the ruliad.

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The Concept of the Ruliad

Stephen Wolfram

The Concept of the Ruliad

The Entangled Limit of Everything

I call it the ruliad. Think of it as the entangled limit of everything that is computationally possible: the result of following all possible computational rules in all possible ways. It’s yet another surprising construct that’s arisen from our Physics Project. And it’s one that I think has extremely deep implications—both in science and beyond.

In many ways, the ruliad is a strange and profoundly abstract thing. But it’s something very universal—a kind of ultimate limit of all abstraction and generalization. And it encapsulates not only all formal possibilities but also everything about our physical universe—and everything we experience can be thought of as sampling that part of the ruliad that corresponds to our particular way of perceiving and interpreting the universe.

We’re going to be able to say many things about the ruliad without engaging in all its technical details. (And—it should be said at the outset—we’re still only at the very beginning of nailing down those technical details and setting up the difficult mathematics and formalism they involve.) But to ground things here, let’s start with a slightly technical discussion of what the ruliad is.

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Pregeometric Spaces from Wolfram Model Rewriting Systems as Homotopy Types

Xerxes D. Arsiwalla (Pompeu Fabra University/Wolfram Research)

Jonathan Gorard (University of Cambridge/Wolfram Research)

How do spaces emerge from pregeometric discrete building blocks governed by computational rules? To address this, we investigate non-deterministic rewriting systems (multiway systems) of the Wolfram model. We formalize these rewriting systems as homotopy types. Using this new formulation, we outline how spatial structures can be functorially inherited from pregeometric type-theoretic constructions. We show how higher homotopy types are constructed from rewriting rules. These correspond to morphisms of an n-fold category. Subsequently, the n→∞ limit of the Wolfram model rulial multiway system is identified as an ∞-groupoid, with the latter being relevant given Grothendieck’s homotopy hypothesis. We then go on to show how this construction extends to the classifying space of rulial multiway systems, which forms a multiverse of multiway systems and carries the formal structure of an (∞,1)-topos. This correspondence to higher categorical structures offers a new way to understand how spaces relevant to physics may result from pregeometric combinatorial models. The key issue we have addressed here is to formally relate abstract non-deterministic rewriting systems to higher homotopy spaces. A consequence of constructing spaces and geometry synthetically is that it removes ad hoc assumptions about geometric attributes of a model such as an a priori background or pre-assigned geometric data. Instead, geometry is inherited functorially from globular structures. This is relevant for formally justifying different choices of underlying spacetime discretization adopted by various models of quantum gravity. Finally, we end with comments on how the framework of higher category-theoretic combinatorial constructions developed here, corroborates with other approaches investigating higher categorical structures relevant to the foundations of physics.

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Multicomputation with Numbers: The Case of Simple Multiway Systems

Stephen Wolfram

Multicomputation with Numbers: The Case of Simple Multiway Systems

A Minimal Example of Multicomputation

Multicomputation is an important new paradigm, but one that can be quite difficult to understand. Here my goal is to discuss a minimal example: multiway systems based on numbers. Many general multicomputational phenomena will show up here in simple forms (though others will not). And the involvement of numbers will often allow us to make immediate use of traditional mathematical methods.

A multiway system can be described as taking each of its states and repeatedly replacing it according to some rule or rules with a collection of states, merging any states produced that are identical. In our Physics Project, the states are combinations of relations between elements, represented by hypergraphs. We’ve also often considered string substitution systems, in which the states are strings of characters. But here I’ll consider the case in which the states are numbers, and for now just single integers. Continue reading

Multicomputation: A Fourth Paradigm for Theoretical Science

Stephen Wolfram

Multicomputation: A Fourth Paradigm for Theoretical Science

The Path to a New Paradigm

One might have thought it was already exciting enough for our Physics Project to be showing a path to a fundamental theory of physics and a fundamental description of how our physical universe works. But what I’ve increasingly been realizing is that actually it’s showing us something even bigger and deeper: a whole fundamentally new paradigm for making models and in general for doing theoretical science. And I fully expect that this new paradigm will give us ways to address a remarkable range of longstanding central problems in all sorts of areas of science—as well as suggesting whole new areas and new directions to pursue.

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How Inevitable Is the Concept of Numbers?

Stephen Wolfram

Based on a talk at Numerous Numerosity: An interdisciplinary meeting on the notions of cardinality, ordinality and arithmetic across the sciences.

Everyone Has to Have Numbers… Don’t They?

The aliens arrive in a starship. Surely, one might think, to have all that technology they must have the idea of numbers. Or maybe one finds an uncontacted tribe deep in the jungle. Surely they too must have the idea of numbers. To us numbers seem so natural—and “obvious”—that it’s hard to imagine everyone wouldn’t have them. But if one digs a little deeper, it’s not so clear.

It’s said that there are human languages that have words for “one”, “a pair” and “many”, but no words for specific larger numbers. In our modern technological world that seems unthinkable. But imagine you’re out in the jungle, with your dogs. Each dog has particular characteristics, and most likely a particular name. Why should you ever think about them collectively, as all “just dogs”, amenable to being counted?

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